Sioeau Nadolig / Christmas Shows

Annwyl rieni
Nodyn sydyn i atgoffa chi o drefniadau ein sioeau Nadolig yng ngholeg Llysfasi. Dyma oedd uchafbwynt y flwyddyn cyn Cofid. Mae croeso cynnes i bawb fynychu’r sioe pnawn a/neu nos h.y. rhieni, neiniau, teidiau a ffrindiau’r ysgol. Does dim angen archebu tocynnau, byddwn yn gofyn am gyfraniad wrth y drws.  Bydd y CRhFfaA wedi trefnu raffl i’w dynnu ar ôl y perfformiad nos a fydd cyfle i’r rhai sydd eisiau aros am baned a sgwrs.  
Rydym yn falch i hysbysebu bydd plant Cylch Meithrin Ysgol Pentrecelyn yn cymryd rhan yn y ddau berfformiad.
Gwisgoedd – byddwn yn cysylltu yn fuan os bydd angen i chi drefnu gwisg eich plentyn – mae nifer o wisgoedd yma yn barod yn yr ysgol. 

Dear parents

Just a quick email to remind you all about the arrangements for the Christmas Shows since we haven’t been able to host our traditional shows in Llysfasi since before Covid.  There is a warm welcome for all to attend the afternoon and evening performances (Parents, Grandparents, Friends of the school and old pupils). There is no need to book tickets, we will be asking for donations by the door.  The PTFA will also be arranging a Raffle to be drawn after the evening performance and there will be an opportunity for those that want to stay for a social ‘paned’ and catch-up.  

We are also proud to announce that Cylch Meithrin Ysgol Pentrecelyn pupils will be taking part in both shows.

Costumes – we will contact you shortly if you need to organise a costume for your child – we have a number in school and are hoping to utilise these.


Andrew Evans

Pennaeth / Headteacher

Ysgol Pentrecelyn

01978 790288