Clwb Celyn

Annwyl rieni

Fel y gwyddoch o bosib trwy eich dulliau cyfathrebu rhieni, mae yna ddathliad diwedd blwyddyn yng Nghlwb Celyn heno. Hoffwn eich atgoffa bod gweithdrefnau a ffioedd Clwb Celyn dal yn bodoli heno.

Rwyf wedi cyfarfod gyda’r staff bore ‘ma er mwyn gwirio trefniadau er mwyn sicrhau noson dda ond diogel. Cysylltwch â’r ysgol os ydych/nad ydych chi eisiau eich plentyn fynychu heno yn dilyn y neges yma.

Cofiwch am weithdrefnau Cofid wrth ddod i nol eich plentyn hefyd.

Diolch am eich cydweithrediad

Dear Parents

As you may be aware through your parental communication methods, there is an end of year celebration at Clwb Celyn after school this evening. Can  I remind parents that Clwb Celyn regulations and charges still apply this evening. 

I have met with the staff this morning to discuss arrangements and ensure they have an enjoyable but safe evening. Could you please contact the school if you want or don’t want your child to attend this evening following this communication.

Also to follow Covid regulations when picking your child from Clwb.

Thank you for your co-operation

Andrew Evans

Pennaeth / Headteacher

Ysgol Pentrecelyn

01978 790288