Gwybodaeth / Information

​​Braf oedd croesawu pawb yn nol ddoe ar fore braf ac yr ysgol yn edrych ar ei orau.  Erbyn hyn mae’r gwaith moderneiddio’r to, ffenestri, drysau a boileri wedi gorffen. Y cam nesaf yw addurno ychydig tu allan i’r tŷ a gosod y paneli solar.
It was lovely to welcome the pupils back on Monday on a beautiful sunny morning with the school looking good following the installation of the new windows, roof, doors and boilers over the summer. We now look forward to the next phase of decorating outside of the school house and installing Solar Panels which should be coming soon. 

Fel y disgwyl wrth i ni ddychwelyd mae’r haul wedi dychwelyd hefyd – cofiwch het ac eli haul!

As we have returned to school so has the warm sunny weather! Please can all pupils remember to bring a sun hat to school with them and apply sun cream in the morning.

Mae dosbarth Llywelyn ac Eithin wrthi’n paratoi pamffled gwybodaeth thema i rannu gyda chi yn fuan.
Llywelyn and Eithin classes are busy preparing an information sheet for parents which will have important information about activities this term and the themes each class/group will follow.

Bydd Addysg Gorfforol gyda Llio yr Urdd yn cychwyn dydd Mercher 13/9.  Nid oes gwersi wythnos yma gan fod gweithdy Cerdd Gydweithredol Sir Ddinbych ‘Gwnewch Sŵn’.   

Cofiwch – Disgyblion dosbarth Eithin i ddod i’r ysgol yn ei gwisg a disgyblion dosbarth Llywelyn i ddod a dillad gyda nhw i newid yma.

PE will start Wednesday 13th September (Meithrin to Year 6).  No PE tomorrow as we have a Denbighshire Music Co-operative ‘Make some Noise’ workshop.  

Remember – Dosbarth Eithin pupils to come to school in their PE kit and pupils in dobarth Llywelyn to bring their PE kit into school (to be left in their box) for them to change in school.

Rydym wedi cychwyn ein grwpiau a chylchoedd dysgu newydd bore ma, sef   grŵp Cricor – bl 5 a 6 grŵp Y Gelli – bl 1,2,3 a 4 grŵp Y Waun – derbyn a meithrin

Bydd y grwpiau yma yn cyfarfod ambell i fore’r wythnos i ganolbwyntio ar agweddau penodol o’r cwricwlwm newydd.

​Pupils have come together in their new groups and learning circles this morning.  These groups are 

Cricor – Years 5 and 6 

Y Gelli – Years 1,2 3 and 4

Y Waun – Meithrin and Derbyn

These groups will meet on certain mornings each week to concentrate on specific aspects to the new curriculum.

Bydd POB PLENTYN DD, Bl 1,2,3 a Bl4 yn cael CINIO YSGOL AM DDIM rwan. Bl 5 a 6 yn fuan iawn.

ALL pupils in DD, Bl.1,2,3 and Bl.4 will have FREE SCHOOL MEALS now this September. Years 5 and 6 very soon.​


Bore Coffi Macmillan a bore agored Cylch Meithrin a Ti a Fi (croeso i bawb) – Medi 29 (9:45 – 11)



Macmillan Coffee Morning and Cylch Meithrin/Ti a Fi open morning (all welcome) – September 29 (9:45 – 11) 

Andrew Evans

Pennaeth / Headteacher

Ysgol Pentrecelyn

01978 790288