Gwybodaeth / Information

Lluniau Tempest / Tempest Photographs

Mae cwmni Tempest yn galw yn yr ysgol bore yfory (ystafell Cylch Meithrin ), rhwng 8:40yb a 11:00yb i dynnu lluniau, unigol a theuluol.  Bydd croeso i Ti a Fi a Cylch fanteisio ar y cyfle os ydynt yn dymuno.

Tempest will be calling tomorrow morning (Cylch Meithrin room) to take individual and group photographs from 8:40am to 11:00am.  If you would like there is a welcome for our Ti a Fi and Cylch families to take advantage of the opportunity.

Addysg Gorfforol / PE Sessions 

Dydd Mercher – 15/11 – Wednesday (Dillad Ysgol i bawb a gwisg ymarfer corff mewn bag, Tempest yn dod i dynnu lluniau yn y bore/ School Uniform for all and PE kit in a bag as Tempest Photography here in the morning)

Plant Mewn Angen / Children in Need

Negas gan Catrin, Ysgrifennyd y Cabinet – Message from Catrin, Cabinet Secretary.

“Ar ôl siarad gyda’r plant mae nhw eisiau gwisgo pyjamas a gwallt gwirion gwyllt dydd Gwener yma gyda chyfraniad ar gyfer Plant Mewn Angen, os hoffech roi arian mae Anti Glenda wedi trefnu i hwn cael ei wneud ar ParentPay.  Mae hi hefyd yn wythnos gwrth fwlio ac os nad ydych chi eisiau gwisgo pyjamas gewch chi wisgo sannau od a dillad eich hun.  Bydd y cabinet yn trefnu gweithgareddau gwahanol yn ystod y dydd.”

After talking to the children, they have said that on Friday they would like to come to school dressed in their PJ’s with wild and crazy hair to raise money for Children in Need.  If you want to donate money Aunty Glenda has arranged for this to be done on ParentPay.  It is also anti-bullying week, so if children don’t want to come to school in their PJ’s they can come dressed in their own clothes with odd socks.  The cabinet have organised some fun activities to take place during the day.”

Pum mlynedd yn ôl trefnodd teulu Ifan a Gwen daith gerdded i godi arian i Plant Mewn Angen, eleni maent am ei wneud eto ond y tro yma yn y nos!! Mae gwahoddiad i chi ymuno a nhw.  Bydd y daith yn gadael y car parc top yn brydlon am 6yh, nos Wener y 17eg Tachwedd, cofiwch ddod a torch a chot cynnes gyda chi!  Rydym hefyd wedi atodi linc i dudalen Justgiving teulu Pierce os hoffech gyfrannu.  Hoffwn ddymuno yn dda i bawb fydd yn cymryd rhan yn y daith gerdded nos Wener.  ​

Five years ago a group walked up Moel Famau to raise money for Children in need. This year Ifan and Gwen’s family are doing it again, but this time at night. There is a warm welcome for anyone to join them, remember to take a coat and a torch. They are setting off at 6pm sharp at the top carpark Friday 17/11/23. If you would like to sponsor us see the link below. We wish everyone taking part the best of luck completing this challenge.

​Co-op Local Community Fund 

Rydym wedi derbyn gwahoddiad i ymweld a siop Co-op Rhuthun dydd Sadwrn, 18fed o Dachwedd rhwng 11yb a 1yp i ddathlu ein llwyddiant gydag ein cais am arian.  Rydym wedi danfon lluniau o’r disgyblion yn yr Ysgol Goedwig iddynt i ddangos ac hyrwyddo ein prosiect.  Galwch i fewn os ydych chi o gwmpas.

We have received an invitation to attend the Co-op store in Ruthin between 11am – 1pm on Saturday, November 18th to celebrate our success with our funding application.  We have already sent pictures of the pupils enjoying the forest school for them to display and promote our project.  Please call in if you are out and about.

Ffair Nadolig Llanbenwch / Llanbenwch Christmas Fair

Dydd Sul / Sunday – 19/12/2023 – 10:00 – 4:30

Bydd gan Cylch Meithrin Ysgol Pentrecelyn a Chymdeithas Rhieni Ffrindiau ac Athrawon stondin yn y ffair eleni i godi arian i’r Cylch ac i hyrwyddo dathliadau Ysgol Pentrecelyn yn 150 oed.  Bydd angen pobl i redeg y stondin rhwng 9yb (gosod) a 4:30yp.  Os ydych yn gallu helpu plis cysylltwch gyda’r ysgol neu Caryl.

Cylch Meithrin Ysgol Pentrecelyn and the PTFA have a stall at the Christmas Fair in Llanbenwch this Sunday to raise funds for the Cylch and to promote our 150th Birrthday Celebration.  We are looking for volunteers to man the stall/help set up from 9:30am to 4:30pm, please contact the school or Caryl if you are able to help.

Brechlyn  Ffliw drwy Chwistell / Nasal Spray Flu Vaccine

Rydym wedi derbyn cadarnhad gan y nyrs ysgol yn dweud os nad oedd eich plentyn wedi derbyn y chwistrell yma yn yr ysgol bydd rhaid cysylltu nawr gydag eich meddyg teulu.

We have received confirmation from the school nurse advising us that if children did not receive the flu nasal spray in school when they attended, parents must now contact their GP.

Dyddiadau Nadolig – Christmas Dates 

Tempest 15/11/23 8:40 – 11:00 i dynnu lluniau unigolion, teuluoedd, Cylch a Ti a Fi  – Tempest photography coming to take pictures of individuals, families, Cylch and Ti a Fi children.

Ffair Nadolig  -1/12/23 –  Christmas Fair – Lleoliad i’w gadarnhau / Location to be confirmed, due to more modernisation works.

Sioe Nadolig – 12/12/23 dress rehearsal am  1:30yp (agored i deulu ddod i weld) – Christmas Show Dress rehearsal (open to family to come and watch).

Sioe Nadolig nos – 6yh  – 13/12/23 – Christmas Show – 6pm

Trip Nadolig i Rhug – 14/12/23 – Christmas Trip to Rhug

Cinio Nadolig Ysgol Pentrecelyn – 15/12/23 – Ysgol Pentrecelyn Christmas Lunch 

Parti Nadolig Ysgol Pentrecelyn – 20/12/23 – Ysgol Pentrecelyn Christmas Party 

Ysgol yn cau i ddisgyblion am y Nadolig – 21/12/23 – School closes for Christmas for the pupils

Andrew Evans

Pennaeth / Headteacher

Ysgol Pentrecelyn

01978 790288