Gwybodaeth – Information

Mabolgiamocs – Dydd Gwener 12/7/2024

Mae’r tywydd yn argoeli’n iawn hyd yma ar gyfer dydd Gwener pan fyddwn yn cynnal ein Mabolgiamocs am 1:15yp.  Mae croeso i chi ymuno â ni ar gae’r ysgol i fwynhau ychydig o hwyl, gemau a gobeithio ychydig o heulwen. Plis dewch a chadair sy’n addas i’w ddefnyddio ar y cae.


Fel yn y blynyddoedd blaenorol mae croeso cynnes i blant a theuluoedd y Cylch Meithrin ymuno am brynhawn o hwyl. 


Rydym hefyd yn disgwyl ymweliad gan fan Hufen Iâ Harry yn ystod y prynhawn.  Diolch i’r Gymdeithas Rhieni Ffrindiau ac Athrawon am gytuno i dalu cost hufen ia i’r plant.

Mabolgiamocs (School Sports) – Friday 12/7/2024 

The weather forecast is currently looking favourable for Friday so we are currently proceeding as planned with the Maboligiamocs.  This years Mabolgiamocs (School Sports) will be held on Friday at 1:15pm.  You are welcome to join us on the school field to enjoy some fun, games and hopefully some sunshine.  Please bring a suitable chair if you have one.


As in previous years there is a warm welcome for the Cylch Meithrin children and families to join us on the afternoon of fun.  


We are also expecting a visit from Harry’s Ice Cream van during the afternoon.  Thank you to the PTFA for agreeing to cover the cost of Ice-creams for the children.

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Sioe Ffarwelio Blwyddyn 6 a sioe dalent / Year 6 Leavers Celebration and ‘Pentrecelyn’s got talent’

Mae’n edrych fel nad yw’r tywydd yn mynd i fod mor ffafriol ar gyfer ein Dathliadau Blwyddyn 6 a sioe ‘Mae gan Bentrecelyn Dalent’ ar nos Fercher Gorffennaf 17eg.  Rydym felly wedi gwneud y penderfyniad i adleoli i’r Hwb Cymunedol yn Llysfasi i sicrhau nad yw glaw yn amharu ar yr hwyl!  Bydd y noson yn dechrau am 5:30pm a bydd cyfle i ddal i fyny dros baned neu de ar ôl y sioe.  Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at ddathlu gydag ein disgyblion Blwyddyn 6 anhygoel ac i ddiolch iddynt.


It looks like the weather is not going to be as favourable for our Year 6 Celebrations and the ‘Pentrecelyn’s Got Talent’ show on Wednesday July 17th.  We have therefore taken the decision to relocate to the Community Hub at Llysfasi to ensure that rain does not stop play!  The evening will start at 5:30pm and there will be a chance for a catch-up over a coffee or tea after the show.  We look forward to celebrating with our fantastic Year 6 pupils and to thank them for their contribution during their time here at Ysgol Pentrecelyn.

Andrew Evans

Pennaeth / Headteacher

Ysgol Pentrecelyn

01978 790288