Neges PWYSIG gan ‘Cabinet llais y disgybl’ / IMPORTANT message from the ‘Pupil Voice Cabinet’

Cofiwch Parti Nadolig yfory.  Bydd Anti Eirian yn paratoi bwyd i’r parti a bydd disco yn y pnawn, cewch wisgo dillad parti neu Nadoligaidd.
Dydd Iau (diwrnod olaf y flwyddyn!!)  cewch ddod a gemau neu deganau addas.  Cyfle eto i wisgo ein siwmper Nadolig ac i osgoi fwy o olchi i Mam!!

Hoffai’r Cabinet rannu Diolch ar ran y disgyblion i gyd i’r holl staff am eu gwaith caled ac am fynd a ni i lefydd gwych ac helpu ni cyflwyno sioe bythgofiadwy Nadolig yma. Hefyd, i Anti Eirian am y cinio gwych eto eleni!!
​Remember it our Christmas Party tomorrow.  Anti Eirian is making party food and we are having a disco in the afternoon, you can come to school dressed in your Party clothes or something Christmasy.

On Thursday (the last day of the year!!) you can bring in games or suitable toys.  This is another opportunity for us to wear our Christmas Jumpers and save a bit of washing for Mum!!
The Cabinet would like to share, on behalf of all of the children, our thanks to all the staff for their hard work and taking us to amazing places and for helping us perform a memorable Christmas Show. Also, to Anti Eirian for the lovely Christmas dinner again this year!!
oddiwrth / from

Catrin Wynne              Ela Wynne
Ysgrifennydd              Cadeirydd