Sent: 12 July 2024 12:09
Cc: Sam Painter
Subject: AM DDIM | FREE Allstars cricket – Ruthin
Neges isod gan Criced Cymru i’w rannu hefo disgyblion 5-8 oed yn unig o ysgolion ardal Rhuthun os gwelwch yn dda.
Message below from Cricket Wales to be shared with 5-8 year old pupils only from schools in the Ruthin area please.
Bore da,
Please see below link for FREE Allstars two days @ Ruthin CC over 30th & 31st July
Sessions are 10-2pm Please bring a pack lunch, plenty of water and in the event of the sun ever coming out, suncream!
Free Allstars code for Ruthin CC Holiday Club (24 uses) MJBWP
Sessions will be delivered by Cricket Wales staff supported by coaches @ Ruthin CC
We only have 24 places this will be first come first served. Parents sign up online if the timings suit plans this Summer. This is a one-off offer for 5–8-year-olds to access FREE cricket in the Summer Holidays over a couple of days.
Sam Painter
Arweinydd Llwybr – Gogledd Cymru
Pathway Lead CW North – North Wales
Hyfforddwr Cymunedol Gogledd Orllewin Cymru/Eryri Community Coach North West Wales/Eryri
Criced Cymru/Cricket Wales
Sophia Gardens, Cardiff, CF11 9XR
Ffôn / Phone: 07798618524
[email protected]” naturalheight=”98″ naturalwidth=”146″ border=”0″ width=”146″ height=”98″ id=”Picture_x0020_1″ style=”user-select: none;” src=””>
YMWRTHODIAD: Mae’r e-bost hwn ac unrhyw ffeiliau a drosglwyddir gydag ef yn gyfrinachol ac at ddefnydd yr unigolyn neu’r corff y cyfeiriwyd hwy atynt yn unig. Dylai’r datganiadau/sylwadau uchod gael eu hystyried yn rhai personol ac nid o reidrwydd yn ddatganiadau neu sylwadau gan Criced Cymru, unrhyw ran ohono neu unrhyw gorff sy’n gysylltiedig ag ef. Os ydych wedi derbyn yr e-bost hwn drwy gamgymeriad, dylech wneud dim arall o ran manylion y neges, peidio dangos, na chopïo i unrhyw berson arall.
Mae Criced Cymru wedi cymryd gofal rhesymol i leihau’r risg o niwed trwy firws, ond ni allwn dderbyn cyfrifoldeb dros unrhyw golled neu niwed a achosir gan firws meddalwedd. Eich cyfrifoldeb chi yw cynnal gwiriad firws cyn agor unrhyw atodiad. Cysylltwch gyda gyrrwr y neges os ydych yn credu i chi dderbyn y neges hwn ar gam.
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Registered office: Cricket Wales, Sophia Gardens, Cardiff CF11 9XR