Dydd Mercher / Wednesday
Cofiwch – Gwasanaeth Diolchgarwch dydd Mercher yma, 10 y bore yng Nghapel Bethel, Pentrecelyn. Bydd lle parcio ychwanegol ar gael yn iard Pentre Farm. Eleni byddwn yn cefnogi casgliad y capel i’r ‘Baby Basics Scheme’ o nwyddau sef unrhyw beth mae babi angen, a mamau i fynd i ‘r ysbyty, dillad hyd at 3 oed, neu arian fydd yn cael ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer matresi newydd a basgedi moses. Os gallwch helpu gellir gadael eitemau yn y capel neu’r ysgol dydd Mercher.
Remember – Harvest Service this Wednesday, 10 am at Capel Bethel, Pentrecelyn. Additional parking will be available in the yard at Pentre Farm. This year we will be supporting the chapel’s collection items to the ‘Baby Basics Scheme’. They are accepting anything that a baby needs, a mother would need during her hospital stay, clothes up to the age of 3, any cash donations will be used towards the purchase of mattresses and Moses baskets. If you are able to assist items can be left at the chapel on Wednesday or brought to school.
Dydd Iau / Thursday
Calan Gaeaf – Parti Ysgol – 24/10/24 – School Halloween Party
Byddwn yn dathlu’r Calan Gaeaf yn yr Ysgol dydd Iau y 24ain o Hydref. Mae croeso i’r disgyblion ddod i’r ysgol wedi gwisgo mewn gwisg.
We will be celebrating Halloween on Thursday the 24th of October. Pupils are welcome to come to school dressed in a costume.
Cardiau IQ IQ Cards
Nodyn i atgoffa fydd y cyfle i archebu nwyddau at y Nadolig heb dalu costau post yn dod i ben nos Iau 24ain o Hydref am hanner nos.
Note to remind that the option to purchase Christmas goods without postage costs closes at midnight Thursday the 24th October.
Dydd Gwener / Friday
Diolch i’r pwyllgor Ti a Fi a Cylch am drefnu y parti Calan Gaeaf i plant y Cylch a Ti a Fi pnawn dydd Gwener yma, cofiwch fydd croeso cynnes i deuluoedd newydd Ti a Fi neu Cylch ymuno.
Thank you to the Ti a Fi and Cylch committee for arranging the Halloween Party this Friday afternoon, there is a warm welcome for any new children and their families of Ti a Fi and Cylch age group.

Dydd Llun Tachwedd 4ydd / Monday 4th November
Plant i ddychwelyd i’r ysgol ar ôl y gwyliau.
Children to return to school after the holidays.
Andrew Evans
Pennaeth / Headteacher
Ysgol Pentrecelyn
01978 790288