Dyddiadau tymor yma / Dates for this term






Dosbarth Eithin – Pnawn – Ymweliad a Becws Islyn yn Rhuthun

Dosbarth Eithin – Afternoon – Visit to Becws Islyn in Ruthin


Noson agored i deuluoedd newydd ymweld â’r Cylch Meithrin a’r Ysgol.  A fyddech cystal â rhoi gwybod i unrhyw ffrindiau neu deulu a allai fod â diddordeb.  Byddwn yma o 5pm – 7pm.

Open evening for new families to visit the Cylch Meithrin and School.  Please can you inform any friends or family that may be interested.  We will be here from 5pm – 7pm.


Cyfarfod CRhFfaA 5:30yh – 6:30yh

PTFA meeting 5:30 – 6:30


Diwrnod Plant Mewn Angen, bydd mwy o wybodaeth yn dilyn gan y Cabinet Ysgol.

Children in Need, more details to follow from the School Cabinet.


Lluniau Ysgol Tempest, unigolion a theuluoedd

Tempest school photos, individuals and families.


Sioe Nadolig Cyw – Theatr Derek Williams, Y Bala – 19/11/24 – Blwyddyn 1, Derbyn, Meithrin.  (GWELER PARENTPAY)

Cyw Christmas Show – Theatr Derek Williams, Bala – 19/11/24 – Years 1, Reception and Nursery. (SEE PARENTPAY)


Noson rieni.Bydd hwn yn gyfle i ddal i fyny gyda staff am sut mae eich plentyn wedi setlo ac i drafod SeeSaw, darllen a dysgu adref.

Dosbarth Llywelyn – 2yp – 6yh (apwyntiadau drwy ‘SeeSaw chat’

Dosbarth Eithin – 3:30yp – 6yp (sesiwn galw mewn)

Parents evening.This is an opportunity to catch-up with staff about how your child has settled and to discuss SeeSaw, reading and home learning.


Dosbarth Llywelyn – 2pm – 6pm (appointments through SeeSaw chat) Dosbarth Eithin 3:30pm – 6pm (drop in)


Sioe/Panto Culhwch ac Olwen Cwmni Mega –  Blwyddyn 2-6 – Y Stiwt, Rhosllannerchrugog   (GWELER PARENTPAY)

Cwmni Mega Panto – Culhwch & Olwen – Years 2 – 6 – Y Stiwt, Rhosllannerchrugog  (SEE PARENTPAY)


Casgliad bagiau dillad Rags2Riches

Rags2Riches clothes colleciton 


Ffair Nadolig ❄🎅🎄

Christmas Fair🎅🎄


Gwasanaeth Nadolig (gwasanaeth gyda’r nos)lleoliad ac amser i’w gadarnhau yn fuan.

Christmas Service (evening performance) location and time to be confirmed asap. 

Andrew Evans

Pennaeth / Headteacher

Ysgol Pentrecelyn

01978 790288