Am danom ni/About us

Dyddiadau Tymor

Ewch i wefan Cyngor Sir Ddinbych i weld dyddiadau tymor ar gyfer 2022/23.

Gwisg Ysgol

Mae gan yr ysgol wisg swyddogol ac anogir plant i’w gwisgo.

  • crys chwys gwyrddlas neu gwyn swyddogol gyda logo’r ysgol
  • trowsus neu sgert llwyd neu dywyll
  • crys-t, shorts neu drowsus loncian a thrainers ar gyfer gwersi Addysg Gorfforol

Mae’n bosibl prynu’r wisg ysgol yn R&R Embroidery, Lôn Parcwr, Rhuthun (01824 704483 – sales@ – www.

Cinio Ysgol

Pris cinio ysgol yw £2.90 y diwrnod. Mae Anti Eirian, y Gogyddes, yn paratoi prydau ffresh ar y safle bob dydd.

Am wybodaeth ar sut i wneud cais am ginio ysgol am ddim ewch i wefan Cyngor Sir Ddinbych.

Term Dates

Go to Denbighshire County Council website to see term dates for 2022/23.

School Uniform

Pupils are encouraged to wear the following school uniform:

  • official school sweatshirt with school logo (Jade or white)
  • grey or dark skirt or trousers
  • for PE lessons – t-shirt, shorts/jogging trousers and trainers

School uniform can be bought from
R&R Embroidery, Lôn Parcwr, Rhuthun (01824 704483 – sales@ – www.

School Dinner

School dinners cost £2.90 per day. Aunty Eirian, the Cook, prepares the meals freshly on site each day.

Please refer to Denbighshire County Council’s web page for information on how to claim free school meals.