Gwybodaeth / Information

Cog Urdd

Llongyfarchiadau mawr i Ela Wynne am ddod yn 1af yn y Sir! roedd 21 wedi cystadlu yn y gystadleuaeth ac mae’r beirniad, Mr. Gwyndaf Pritchard wedi diolch i bawb am ddiwrnod ardderchog ac am y safon eithriadol o uchel o goginio.

Congratulations to Ela Wynne on achieving 1st place in the County Cog Urdd Competition, there were 21 competitors in all and the judge, Mr Gwyndaf Pritchard has thanked everyone for a wonderful day and for the exceptional standard of cooking on the day.

Cofiwch – Ffair Nadolig – Remember Christmas Fair

nos Wener yma 5:30 – 6:30 this Friday evening

HWB Cymunedol Llysfasi – Llysfasi Community Hub.

Noson agored / Open evening

Braf oedd cael sgwrs gyda rhai ohonoch am sut mae eich plentyn wedi setlo. Hefyd, cael dangos datblygiadau yn nosbarth Eithin. Cawsom wynebau newydd yn ymweld hefyd ac yn canmol ein hadeilad, dosbarthiadau a’r profiadau a welwn ar wefannau cymdeithasol yr ysgol – diolch iddynt.

It was lovely to see some of you and have a chat about how your child is settling into the new school year.  We were also able to show developments in Eithin class. We also saw some new faces and it was lovely to hear such positive comments about our school building, classes and the experiences they have seen our pupils have on social media.


Mae’r scaffold i fyny unwaith eto er mwyn gosod y paneli solar cyn y ‘dolig!
​The scaffolding is up again ready for the solar panal installation before Christmas!

Sioe Nadolig – Christmas show

Mae paratoadau ar gyfer ein sioe Nadolig wedi cychwyn! Bydd nodyn ynglŷn â gwisgoedd yn dod adre gyda phob plentyn cyn diwedd yr wythnos. 

Preparations for the Christmas Shows have started!

We will be sending slips home with every child by the end of the week with details about costumes etc.

Andrew Evans

Pennaeth / Headteacher

Ysgol Pentrecelyn

01978 790288