Gwybodaeth gan Gabinet yr Ysgol (llais y plant)
Diwrnod amgylcheddol – Dydd Iau, Tachwedd 12fed
Byddwn yn tacluso a gwella ein hamgylchedd ysgol. Bydd angen hen ddillad a ‘sgidiau, heb sôn am het a chot gynnes.
(Dim Gymnasteg i blant CA2 ar y diwrnod yma)
Plant mewn Angen – Dydd Gwener, Tachwedd 13eg
£1 am wisgo unai PJs/onesie, dillad melyn/smotiog neu dillad eich hunain.
Information from the School Cabinet (pupil voice)
Environmental day – Thursday, November 12th
We will be tidying and improving our school environment on Thursday this week. The children will need to wear old clothes and shoes and a hat and coat please. (No gymnastics for KS2 pupils on Thursday)
Children in Need – Friday, November 13th
£1 for wearing a onesie/Pjs, yellow item of clothing or spotty item of clothing or their own clothes.
Cofiwch hefyd am Tempest (lluniau ysgol) Dydd Llun 16eg – bydd gwers gymnasteg Cyfnod Sylfaen ar fore Mercher wythnos nesaf.
Remember Tempest (school photographs) Monday 16th – gymnastics lesson for Foundation Phase will be on Wednesday morning next week.
Diolch am eich cefnogaeth/Thank you for your support
Andrew Evans
Pennaeth / Headteacher
Ysgol Pentrecelyn
01978 790288