Gwybodaeth / Information

Gwasanaeth Diolchgarwch / Harvest Thanksgiving Service


Braf oedd gweld ein teuluoedd a ffrindiau yn ymuno a ni yng Nghapel Bethel Pentrecelyn i glywed negeseuon pwysig gan ein plant.  Mae pob plentyn wedi magu hyder i berfformio o safon, da iawn wir.  
Diolch i CRhFfaA am drefnu’r gweithdy blodau gyda Ellen Firth o Ffirth and Flock Flowers, ac i Gapel Pentrecelyn am adael i ni ddefnyddio’r Capel unwaith eto, roedd y Capel yn edrych ar ei orau.
Casglwyd £103.75 i elusen DPJ ar y diwrnod.

It was lovely to see so many of our families and friends joining us at Capel Bethel Pentrecelyn for our Harvest Thanksgiving service and to see our talented pupils perform to a high standard with increased confidence, well done to all.

Thank you to the PTFA for arranging the flower arranging workshop and to Ellen Firth. Also, to Pentrecelyn Chapel for letting us hold the service there again this year.  The Chapel was looking lovely.

In the collection we have raised £103.75 for the DPJ Foundation.

Gwaith moderneiddio / Modernising works

Mae’r gwaith moderneiddio wedi parhau dros y gwyliau gyda sgrin teledu newydd a sinc newydd yn nosbarth Eithin.  Hefyd, rydym wedi peintio tu allan i’r tŷ i geisio adlewyrchu’r ysgol.  Mae Sir Ddinbych wedi insiwleiddio’r tŷ a’r ysgol hefyd.

The modernising works have continued over the half-term holidays.  A new screen and sink have been installed in dosbarth Eithin and some of the exterior to the old school house have been painted to match the school itself.  Denbighshire County Council have also completed insulation work to the school and house.

Noson agored / Open Evening

Bydd cyfle i chi ddod am dro i weld yr holl waith moderneiddio a chael sgwrs gyda staff rhwng 4yp a 6yp ar nos Iau, Tachwedd 23ain.

There will be an opportunity for you to see all the works completed and have a chat with the staff on Thursday 23rd November, between 4pm and 6pm.

Paid Cyffwrdd, Dweud

Bydd Sioe ‘Paid Cyffwrdd, Dweud’ yn ymweld ar ysgol pnawn dydd Iau.

The show ‘Don’t Touch, Tell’ will be visiting school on Thursday afternoon.

Ymarfer corff / PE Sessions 

Mi fydd Llio’r Urdd yn ymuno a ni i wneud sesiynau Ymarfer Corff ar y dyddiadau canlynol.  Cofiwch – Disgyblion dosbarth Eithin i ddod i’r ysgol yn ei gwisg a disgyblion dosbarth Llywelyn i ddod a dillad gyda nhw i newid yma.

Llio from the Urdd will be continuing the PE sessions on the following dates. Pupils from dosbarth Eithin to come to school in their PE kits and pupils from dosbarth Llywelyn to bring their PE kits to school in a bag to get changed here.

Dydd Gwener – 10/11 – Friday (Due to Cog Urdd) 

Dydd Mercher – 15/11 – Wednesday (Dillad Ysgol i bawb a gwisg ymarfer corff mewn bag, Tempest yn dod i dynnu lluniau yn y bore/ School Uniform for all and PE kit in a bag as Tempest Photography here in the morning)

Dydd Mercher – 22/11 – Wednesday 

Dydd Mercher – 6/12 – Wednesday 


Mae cyfarfod CRhFfaA nos Iau yn neuadd yr ysgol 5:30 – 6:30 i drafod y dathliadau 150 a threfniadau’r Nadolig.

There is a PTFA meeting on Thursday evening between 5:30 – 6:30 to discuss the 150 year celebrations and our Christmas activities.

Co-op Round 8 Local Community Fund Celebrations 

Rydym wedi derbyn e-bost gan y Co-op yn cadarnhau fod y CRhFfaA wedi bod yn llwyddiannus gydag ein cais llynedd i’r Ysgol Goedwig a byddwn yn derbyn swm o £1,270.15 i’w ddefnyddio tuag at adnoddau i’r ardal tu allan. ​

We have received an email from the Co-op confirming that the PTFA have been successful with their grant application for the Forest School and they will be receiving a sum of £1,270.15 to use towards resources.

Dyddiadau Nadolig (gall newid) Christmas Dates (subject to change)

Tempest 15/11/23 8:40 – 11:00 i dynnu lluniau unigolion, teuluoedd, Cylch a Ti a Fi  – Tempest photography coming to take pictures of individuals, families, Cylch and Ti a Fi children.

Ffair Nadolig  -1/12/23 –  Christmas Fair 

Sioe Nadolig – 12/12/23 dress rehearsal am  1:30yp (agored i deulu ddod i weld) – Christmas Show Dress rehearsal (open to family to come and watch)

Sioe Nadolig nos – 6yh  – 13/12/23 – Christmas Show – 6pm

Trip Nadolig i Rhug – 14/12/23 – Christmas Trip to Rhug

Cinio Nadolig Ysgol Pentrecelyn – 15/12/23 – Ysgol Pentrecelyn Christmas Lunch 

Parti Nadolig Ysgol Pentrecelyn – 20/12/23 – Ysgol Pentrecelyn Christmas Party 

Ysgol yn cau i ddisgyblion am y Nadolig – 21/12/23 – School closes for Christmas for the pupils

Andrew Evans

Pennaeth / Headteacher

Ysgol Pentrecelyn

01978 790288