Annwyl rieni
Dwi’n ail-yrru’r e-bost yma gyda threfniadau diwedd tymor. Plîs nodwch fod croeso i rieni a ffrindiau ymuno a ni ar gae’r ysgol ar gyfer sioe ffarwelio Mrs Perrin a Magi (Mae gan blant Pentrecelyn dalent).
Dear parents
I am re-sending this e-mail with end of term arrangements. Please note that we welcome parents and friends to join us on the school field for the farewell show for Mrs Perrin and Magi (Pentrecelyn’s got Talent).
Andrew Evans
Pennaeth / Headteacher
Ysgol Pentrecelyn
01978 790288
From: Ysgol Pentrecelyn
Sent: 24 June 2021 11:15
To: [email protected]
Subject: Pwysig – Dyddiadau Important – Dates
Er gwybodaeth –
Wedi pwyso a mesur ac asesu’r sefyllfa bresennol yn anffodus ni fydd ymweliad addysgol na noson mabolgampau/barbeciw cymdeithasol eleni. Yn hytrach na hyn, byddwn yn trefnu diwrnod o weithgareddau hwyliog ‘Mabolgiamocs’ a phicnic i’r disgyblion ar gae’r ysgol. Hefyd, bydd sioe ‘Mae gan blant Pentrecelyn dalent’ – mwy o fanylion i ddilyn.
Following lengthy discussions and assessing the present situation we have decided not to have an educational visit this end of term. As well as this there will be no Sports day/social barbecue evening again this year.
Instead of this we will organise a fun day of activities ‘Mabolgiamocs’ and picnic for the pupils on the school field. As well as this there will be a ‘Pentrecelyn’s got talent show’ – more details to follow.
Dydd Iau, Gorffennaf 8fed
Diwrnod Mabolgiamocs (gwisgwch dillad Addysg Gorfforol)
Thursday, July 8th
Mabolgiamocs day (please wear PE kit)
Dydd Mercher, Gorffennaf 14eg
Cinio thema arbennig
Wednesday, July 14th
Special themed lunch
Dydd Iau, Gorffennaf 15fed – 1:30
Mae gan blant Pentrecelyn dalent – Sioe ffarwelio â Mrs Perrin a Magi – ar gae’r Ysgol. Croeso i ffrindiau a theuluoedd ymuno â ni.
Thursday, July 15th – 1:30
Pentrecelyn’s got Talent- A farewell fun show for Mrs Perrin and Magi – on the school field. Friends and family are welcome to join us.
Diolch am eich cefnogaeth/Thank you for your support
Andrew Evans
Pennaeth / Headteacher
Ysgol Pentrecelyn
01978 790288