Cystadleuaeth – Competition

Mae gan Archifau Gogledd Ddwyrain Cymru gystadleuaeth ysgrifennu ‘Llythyr at Blant y Dyfodol’ ar gyfer plant oed ysgol yn Sir Ddinbych a Sir y Fflint. Ysgrifenna lythyr, a fydd yn cael ei ddarllen gan blant mewn 100 mlynedd, i ddweud wrthyn nhw sut mae dy fywyd wedi newid ar ôl i argyfwng y coronafeirws dy anfon di gartref o’r ysgol!
– Beth ydych chi’n ei wneud pob dydd?
– Sut beth ydi bod gartref drwy’r amser a methu gweld eich ffrindiau na’ch teulu estynedig?
– Wyt ti’n gorfod mynd i’r ysgol ac, os felly, ydi hi’n dawel ofnadwy yno?
– Sut mae dy deulu yn ymdopi â gweithio gartref neu’n mynd allan i wneud gwaith hanfodol?
– Yn fwy na dim, dyweda wrth blant y dyfodol am y pethau rwyt ti’n eu colli ac yn eu mwynhau fwyaf!
Cofia gynnwys llun i ddangos sut beth ydi byw yn ystod y cyfnod hanesyddol a rhyfedd hwn!  E-bostiwch eich profiadau/delweddau, gyda’ch enw a’ch cyfeiriad, i: [email protected] os ydych chi’n byw yn Sir y Fflint neu i [email protected] os ydych chi’n byw yn Sir Ddinbych.

Bydd pob llythyr yn cael ei gynnwys yn Archif ‘Llythyr at Blant y Dyfodol’ ac yn cael ei gadw er mwyn i genedlaethau’r dyfodol eu darllen. Bydd yr enillydd yn derbyn taleb Amazon gwerth £20 a bydd y llythyr yn cael ei rannu ar-lein.

At the North East Wales Archives we are running a competition for the best ‘Letter to Future Children’ written by school-age pupils living in Denbighshire and Flintshire. Write a letter, to be read by children in 100 years’ time, to tell them how your life has changed since the Coronavirus crisis sent you home from school!
– What are you doing every day?
– What is it like being at home all the time without seeing your friends and extended family?
– Are you having to go to school, and if so is it strangely quiet?
– How are your family coping with working at home or going out to do essential work?
– Above all, tell the future children what you are missing most and enjoying most!
Please include a drawing, showing how life looks to you at this strange time in history!  E-mail your writing/images, with your name and address, to us at: [email protected] for Flintshire residents, and [email protected] for Denbighshire residents.
All letters will be included in the ‘Letter to Future Children’ Archive and preserved for future generations to read. The winner will receive a prize of a £20 Amazon Voucher and have their letter shared online.

Andrew Evans

Pennaeth / Headteacher

Ysgol Pentrecelyn

01978 790288