Gwybodaeth / Information

Nosweithiau rhieni ​Braf oedd cael y cyfle i gyfarfod chi wyneb yn wyneb unwaith eto’r wythnos yma. Cofiwch gysylltu trwy e-bost os nad ydych chi wedi manteisio ar y cyfle. Diolch hefyd am eich adborth inni fel staff, mae’n cael ei werthfawrogi.

Parents Evening

It was lovely to have the opportunity to meet up with you face to face again this week.  Remember to contact us by e-mail if you have not arranged a meeting to discuss your child/childrens progress.  Thank you also for the feedback we as staff have received, it really is appreciated.

Lluniau ysgol gan TEMPEST  school photo’s

Bydd Tempest yma yn tynnu lluniau ar ddydd Llun, Tachwedd 15fed 

Tempest will be in school Monday November 15th.

Gwersi Offerynnol  Mae Mr Joe Pearson yn dod i’r ysgol i gynnal gwersi drums a phiano i ddisgyblion Blwyddyn 3 – 6.  Cost y gwersi ydi £8.75 yr un ac mi fydd 30 gwers dros gyfnod y flwyddyn, fydd rhaid rhoi tymor cyfan o rybudd i’r ysgol a Denbighshire Music Co-operative os mae eich plentyn am stopio’r gwersi.  Mae rhai eisoes wedi dangos diddordeb ac wedi cychwyn y gwersi – fydd cost y gwersi yn ymddangos ar Parent Pay yn wythnosol o wythnos nesaf.  Os oes gan eich plentyn ddiddordeb yn y gwersi cysylltwch â’r ysgol.

Music Lessons

​Mr Joe Pearson from the Denbighshire Music Co-operative is coming into school for pupils in years 3 – 6.  Mr Pearson is able to offer drum or piano lessons.  Cost of a lesson is £8.75 a session, there will be a total of 30 lessons in a year but you will need to give a whole terms notice to the school and the DMC if you wish the stop the arrangement.  He has already started with lessons for some pupils that have shown an interest and the cost of these will appear weekly on Parent Pay from next week .  If your child is interested in one of these music lessons please contact the school.


Nodyn cwrtais yn gofyn i bawb wirio ParentPay ogydd, yn enwedig Cinio ysgol a Chlwb Celyn.

Please can you visit ParentPay to ensure all payments are updated, specifically School dinners and Clwb Celyn.

Bags2Schools Bydd casgliad Bags2Schools o ddillad dydd Mawrth y 16eg Tachwedd.  Cewch ddod a bagiau yma nos Lun neu fore Mawrth erbyn 9yb.  Diolch i Osian am gytuno helpu gyda’r bagiau bore dydd Mawrth.

There is a Bags2Schools clothes collection on Tuesday 16th November.  Any bags can be brought to school Monday evening or Tuesday morning before 9am.  Thank you Osian for agreeing to help organise the bags Tuesday morning.

Esgidiau glaw / Wellingtons ​Allwch chi sicrhau fod esgidiau glaw gan eich plentyn yn yr ysgol gan ein bod yn cynnal sesiynau ysgol goedwig a mynd am dro yn aml o gwmpas yr ysgol.​

Please can you ensure that your child has a pair of Wellingtons in school as we are holding forest school sessions and walks around the locality.

Plant mewn angen – Tachwedd 19eg Byddwn yn mynd am dro bach i Goleg Llysfasi a bydd disgo a donuts yn y pnawn.
Cawn wisgo dillad eu hunain/dillad plant mewn angen.
Byddwn yn gwerthfawrogi unrhyw gyfraniad ogydd ar Parent Pay

BBC Children in Need appeal Friday 19th November

​We will be going for a walk to Llysfasi college on Friday and there will be a disco and donuts for the pupils in the afternoon.

Pupils can come to school in their own clothes or in fancy dress for children in need.

A donation page has been started on Parent Pay.

Andrew Evans

Pennaeth / Headteacher

Ysgol Pentrecelyn

01978 790288