Gweithdai Dawns a Drama
Rwyf wedi trefnu i gwmni Indigo (Academi Celfyddydau) gynnal gweithdai gyda phob plentyn yma yn yr ysgol. Bydd hyn yn cychwyn ar bnawn Mawrth 27ain Medi, rhwng 1yp a 3yp. Sesiynau creadigol llawn hwyl i ddatblygu sgiliau a magu hyder yn y Celfyddydau Perfformio.
Dance and Drama Workshops
I have arranged for Indigo (Performing Arts Academy) to deliver workshops with every child here in the school. This will start on Tuesday 27th September, between 1pm and 3pm in the afternoon. These will be creative fun sessions to develop skills and confidence in the Performing Arts.
Sesiynau ‘galw i mewn’ (lles) – 4ydd a 5ed o Hydref
Mae cyfle os ydych chi eisiau i alw i drafod sut mae eich plentyn wedi setlo ôl yn yr ysgol ar y nosweithiau yma rhwng 3:30yp a 5:30yp
Drop in sessions – (well-being) – 4th and 5th October
There is an opportunity if you want to drop in at school to discuss how your child has settled back into school routine on these evenings between 3:30pm and 5:30pm.
Gwersi cerddorol
Bydd gwersi offerynnol yn ail ddechrau dydd Mercher yr 21ain o Fedi. Bydd 30 sesiwn dros y flwyddyn, gyda chost o £8.75 bob un. Os ydi eich plentyn am barhau neu gychwyn gwersi fedrwch chi gysylltu a’r ysgol. Mae gwersi ar gael i ddisgyblion blwyddyn 2 i 6.
Music Lessons
Music lessons will resume on Wednesday the 21st September. In total 30 sessions will be delivered over the school year at a cost of £8.75 per session. If your child wishes to start or continue with music lessons, please can you contact the school. Lessons are available for pupils in years 2 to 6.
Cyfarfod CRhFfaA
Diolch i bawb ymunodd a ni neithiwr bydd mwy o wybodaeth yn dilyn wythnos nesaf am y bore coffi Macmillan a dyddiad i’r AGM.
PTFA Meeting
Thank you to all who were able to attend the meeting last night, more details regarding the Macmillan Coffee morning and the AGM will follow next week.
Andrew Evans
Pennaeth / Headteacher
Ysgol Pentrecelyn
01978 790288