Bydd angen bod yn aelod o’r Urdd ar gyfer y flwyddyn 22/23 er mwyn cystadlu eleni. Rhaid bod yn aelod er mwyn inni gofrestru eich plentyn ar gyfer y gysytadleuaeth cyn hanner tymor.
Your child will need to be a member of the Urdd for the year 22/23 to compete this year. We will need to register your child to compete before half- term.
Cyfarfod Blynyddol (AGM) CRhFfaA
Bydd Cyfarfod Blynyddol y CRhFfaA Nos Iau 27ain Hydref am 5:30 yn yr ysgol, agenda i ddilyn. Rwyf wedi gorfod newid y noson gan fy mod wedi cael e-bost isod i ddweud ein bod wedi llwyddo yn ein cais i’r Co-op Local Community Fund am arian tuag at yr ysgol Goedwig. Mae ‘Live Webinar’ ar YouTube am 6yh ar yr 20fed o Hydref, gyda chroeso i unrhyw un ymuno. Dyma’r linc i’r rhai sydd â diddordeb. Bydd cyfle i drafod y cais ar noson y cyfarfod blynyddol.
The PTFA AGM will now be held on Thursday 27th October at 5:30 in school, the agenda will follow shortly. The date of the meeting has been changed as I have just had confirmation that we have been successful in our application to the Co-op Local Community Fund for funds towards the Forest School. There is a ‘Live Webinar’ on YouTube at 6pm on the 20th October and there is a welcome to anyone to attend. The link is attached for anyone who is interested. We will then have an opportunity to discuss the application in the AGM.
Congratulations! CRhFfaA Ysgol Pentrecelyn PTFA has been chosen to be part of the next round of the Co-op Local Community Fund.
The funding round will start on Sunday 23 October 2022 and will run for 12 months until 21 October 2023. During this time, Co-op Members will be able to select you as their cause and help you raise funds for your project.
Join our Live Webinar
To help your cause get off to the best possible start, we’ll be hosting a Live Webinar on YouTube.
Time: 6pm
Link: Local Community Fund
This will be your opportunity to:
- find out more about how the fund works
- how to promote your cause
- how to engage with Co-op Members and colleagues
To make the webinar as engaging as possible, please feel free to send us questions in advance here, which we’ll answer live.
Mae Tempest yn dod i’r ysgol fore dydd Mawrth y 18fed Hydref i dynnu lluniau unigolion a theuluoedd. Bydd angen i’r rhai sydd eisiau lluniau teuluoedd gyda phlant sydd ddim yn yr ysgol fod yn ysgol erbyn 8:30.
Tempest are coming to the school on Tuesday the 18th October to take individual and family group pictures. If you would like a family group picture with siblings who are not in school to be here for 8:30.
Gwasanaeth Diolchgarwch / Harvest Thanksgiving Service
Byddwn yn cynnal ein Gwasanaeth Diolchgarwch eleni yng Nghapel Bethel, Pentrecelyn ar ddydd Mercher Hydref 19eg am 2yp. Croeso i bawb ymuno â ni. Hoffwn fel ysgol gyfrannu ar gyfer y banc bwyd lleol. Os allwch chi gyfrannu unrhyw eitem o’r rhestr isod, plîs dewch a nhw i’r ysgol erbyn dydd Mercher ogydd. Diolch.
Cangen Rhuthun o’r Banc Bwyd Dyffryn Clwyd
Ruthin Branch of Vale of Clwyd Food Bank is currently requesting the following items to be donated:
Tinned Fruit (400gms)
Fruit Juices
Tinned Tomatoes
UHT Milk (1 Litre)
Tinned Potatoes Or Packets Mash
Pasta Sauces
We will be holding our Harvest Thanksgiving service at Capel Bethel Pentrecelyn on Wednesday the 19th October at 2pm. There is a warm welcome for anyone to join us. As a school we would like your help to contribute to the local food bank – please see list above. If you can contribute any of the items please bring them to school by Wednesday. Thank you.
Cardiau Nadolig
Cofiwch ddychwelyd eich ffurflenni am nwyddau Nadolig IQ erbyn dydd Gwener 14eg o Hydref ogydd.
Please remember to return your IQ card orders by Friday the 14th October.
Parti Calan Gaeaf Hydref 28ain – Gwener Gwych – Halloween Party October 28th
Byddwn yn dathlu diwedd yr Hanner Tymor gyda pharti Calan Gaeaf a gweithgareddau hwyliog. Caiff y plant ddod i’r ysgol mewn gwisgoedd ffansi os maent yn dymuno.
We will be celebrating the end of this Half term with a Halloween party and a day of fun activities. The children can come to school in Fancy dress costumes if they wish.
Noson Agored (Tachwedd 10fed, 5yh – 7yh)
Noson i rannu gwybodaeth a chyfle i rieni newydd a darpar rieni ymweld â’r ysgol. (lluniaeth ysgafn ar gael)
Open Evening (10th November, 5 – 7pm)
An evening to share information and an opportunity for new and prospective parents to visit the school. (light refreshments available)
Bore Coffi Macmillan Coffee Morning
Cyfanswm y casgliad yw £300.90!!! Diolch o galon i bawb.
Total raised is £300.90!!! Thank you to everyone.
Andrew Evans
Pennaeth / Headteacher
Ysgol Pentrecelyn
01978 790288