Parti Canu

sylw’r parti canu 
Eisteddfod Rhanbarth Cynradd – Capel Mawr, Dinbych, Ddydd Sadwrn, Mawrth y 25ain.

Cyfarfod 3yp yn y Festri.

Bydd corau/partion yn ymgynnull yn y Festri sydd lawr i’r chwith cyn y brif drysau tra bydd unawdwyr/deuawdwyr/ensemble yn cael eu galw fyny o’r gynulleidfa. Ni fydd Rhagbrofion yn cael eu cynnal yn yr Eisteddfod. Bydd pob eitem yn cael cyfle i berfformio ar y prif lwyfan yn y Capel.​


Wedi Perfformio – Ar ol i gorau/partion berfformio, mae gan perfformwyr ddau opsiwn – gallant fynd yn ol at eu rhieni yn y gynulleidfa, neu gallant fynd yn ol i’r ystafell ymgynull a mynd yn ol i’r Capel trwy’r drysau blaen.  Parcio – Mae digon o lefydd parcio yn yr ardal. Dyma restr o lefydd parcio cyfagos:

  • Maes Parcio Factory Ward (aros hir)
  • Maes Parcio 25 Factory PI (‘Multi-Storey’ ar draws y ffordd – aros hir)
  • Maes Parcio Lon Crown (Crown Lane) (fyny’r ffordd o’r Capel – aros hir)
  • Maes Parcio Stryd y Dyffryn (Vale Street – aros hir)
  • Maes Parcio Mount Pleasant – Di-Dal​

For the attention of the Parti Canu

​Primary County Eisteddfod which will be held in Capel Mawr, Denbigh this Saturday, March 25th

Meet at 3pm in the Vestry

Performing – Choirs/parties will gather in the Vestry which is down to the left before the main doors of the Chapel while soloists/duets/ensemble will be called up from the audience. Preliminary rounds will not be held at the Eisteddfod. All performers will have a chance to perform on the main Stage in the Chapel ​
After performing – After choirs/parties have performed, performers have two options – they can go back to their parents in the audience, or they can go back to the assembly room and go back to the Chapel through the front doors.  Parking – There are plenty of parking spaces in the area. Here is a list of nearby car parks:

  •  Factory Ward Car Park (long stay)
  •  25 Factory PI Car Park (‘Multi-Storey’ across the road – long stay)
  •  Crown Lane Car Park (up the road from the Chapel – long stay)
  •  Vale Street Car Park (long stay)
  •  Mount Pleasant Car Park – No fee

Andrew Evans

Pennaeth / Headteacher

Ysgol Pentrecelyn

01978 790288