Rhieni CA2 – KS2 Parents

Annwyl rieni

Allwch chi sicrhau bod eich plentyn/plant yn ymarfer ffeithiau tablau ar J2Blast (HWB -J2E) ogydd. Byddwn yn cael J2Blast ‘Blast off’ (cystadleuaeth) yn fuan. Hefyd, allwch chi sicrhau bod eich plentyn wedi darllen y llyfrau cyn dychwelyd hwy ar ddydd Mercher.

Diolch am eich cefnogaeth

Dear Parents

Could you please ensure that your child practices times tables facts on J2Blast please (HWB-J2E). We will be having a J2Blast ‘Blast Off’ (Competition) soon. Also, to ensure that they read their books please before returning them on Wednesday.

Thank you for your support

Andrew Evans

Pennaeth / Headteacher

Ysgol Pentrecelyn

01978 790288